Gain an understanding of asbestos


Asbestos is a foreign material that has a major drawback - it is toxic to humans and causes a number of health problems, including cancer. In this article, we look at the dangers of asbestos and why it was used in a variety of industries. To get an idea of ​​asbestos, you have to first understand why someone can use it? The substance is a natural form of a series of materials. The shape is small asbestos fibers that crystal structures are small. These structures have long been considered as wonder materials, as they are extremely resistant to heat and insulate electrical wires can not be compromised. If you have a material that does not burn, do not you use materials and building insulation? The answer was yes in many industries. So, what's the problem with asbestos? Well, the problem lies in the fact that the fibers are so small that they can become airborne. When this happens, people have a tendency to breathe them into your lungs. There, the fibers are embedded. Eventually, the fibers penetrate the lung and pleura in the body lumen. They can do everything from chronic inflammation of the lungs that make panting with lung cancer and mesothelioma. It is really hard to accept the fact that there may be a lapse of 40 years between the inhalation of fibers and the onset of medical conditions. The dangers of asbestos came slowly to the forefront through numerous lawsuits in 1960 and 1970. Finally, the government stepped in and began to ban many uses of materials. In 1989, the EPA banned all new uses of asbestos, but allowed the uses set forth above to proceed. This means you can find asbestos in vermiculite products as used in your yard, as well as brake and clutch auto. Most people do not realize the same. Asbestos is a material much astonishment and great health risk. There are a number of non-toxic products that can be used instead of asbestos, so avoid at all costs

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