Our blood flows through the rivers of our body as well as the rivers flow on our world. There was a time when we swam the Kuban River, and the water was clean and clear, and now even to the shores of the Kuban approach is impossible, so it is dirty. Kuban River traverses the Krasnodar region and flows into the Black Sea, which merges with the Mediterranean Sea, and then an ocean. With a small stream flowing from the mountains begins destruction of our planet Earth. Just a small stream and our blood carries the death of all our "planet"-man, carrying his dirt throughout the body. Clear this river of life can we, using the laws of Nature. And today we are in the river of life pour poisons by intravenous injection, poisoning the living cells of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. One of my pupil, a farmer, has become rare medicinal plants grow around their homesteads. I liked her idea, and we began to plant out the seeds and seedlings in the desert, in the woods near her home. On the banks of a dirty, swampy river Archeda we planted the seeds and roots of angelica, which quickly began and took root. We went down to the river and admired the beautiful, large, fragrant leaves, angelica. A year later found that planted us angelica ate beavers who became divorced amicably in the river. And where beavers live, always water clean as a tear.
See how out of the swamp flowing pure spring, and clean water in the swamp plants and living organisms living in it.
In the marsh never sand or stones, and out of the marsh creek flowing clean, clear water on the surface of its beauty shine yellow lilies or pure white lily. Try to throw a stone into a swamp - it dissolves there and even sand will not leave. But our Volgograd sea, which we filled with water for more than 50 years ago, it grew at the bottom of its stones - large round stones, polished form. In Volgograd No sea plants that dissolve stones, but there were inmates who help fill the bottom of the sea sand and stones, turning the clay into granite stone.
Well, if you pour poison into the river, then it will die along with their inhabitants and plants. And so we often have to eat poisonous plants, drugs that destroy our rivers, blood vessels, killing all microbial life in our body.
In the marsh never sand or stones, and out of the marsh creek flowing clean, clear water on the surface of its beauty shine yellow lilies or pure white lily. Try to throw a stone into a swamp - it dissolves there and even sand will not leave. But our Volgograd sea, which we filled with water for more than 50 years ago, it grew at the bottom of its stones - large round stones, polished form. In Volgograd No sea plants that dissolve stones, but there were inmates who help fill the bottom of the sea sand and stones, turning the clay into granite stone.
Well, if you pour poison into the river, then it will die along with their inhabitants and plants. And so we often have to eat poisonous plants, drugs that destroy our rivers, blood vessels, killing all microbial life in our body.
Blood rivers carry life every cell of our body. Blood - it is also a system of Yin-Yang.Leukocytes are yin energy and negatively charged. Red blood cells carry Yang energy and positively charged. Platelets - this is the third balancing force, according to the third law of the universe. They stick together and share with leukocyte erythrocyte. Percentage of erythrocytes and leukocytes, ie Yang-Yin is constantly changing within a certain range, passing through the bodies of Yin and Yang in our body.
The human body - it is a nuclear power plant that produces electric current that spreads throughout the body for electrical channels along the axons of the nervous system, creating different electromagnetic fields, maintaining acid-base balance in the organs of the body within certain limits.
Skin and mucous membrane of the internal hollow organs have a more acidic environment compared to dense bodies, so all hollow organs have Yang energy, and dense - Yin energy.
Microorganisms and cells grow well in Yin and poorly develop and grow in the Yang energy. And this balance regulate red blood cells with leukocytes by a third force platelets. This ratio should be within certain limits, otherwise the problem - a disease.In 1 cc. mm contains erythrocytes 5,000,000, from 6000 to 8000 leucocytes; from 250 000 to 300 000 platelet.
Jan plant receives energy from that absorbed from their roots radioactive earth metals, cobalt, for example. A man is also a plant, but it pulled out of the ground, and he can not receive radioactive metals from the earth, and can get them only eating plants. Animals sometimes bathe in mud, pig, for example, to recharge your energy-Yang, because our Earth is on the plus (+) charged. And the horses and cats and dogs often ride on the ground, and we civilized, even barefoot on the ground do not go, however, our children love to play in the dirt, and we punish them for it.
Jan plant receives energy from that absorbed from their roots radioactive earth metals, cobalt, for example. A man is also a plant, but it pulled out of the ground, and he can not receive radioactive metals from the earth, and can get them only eating plants. Animals sometimes bathe in mud, pig, for example, to recharge your energy-Yang, because our Earth is on the plus (+) charged. And the horses and cats and dogs often ride on the ground, and we civilized, even barefoot on the ground do not go, however, our children love to play in the dirt, and we punish them for it.
Plants concentrated cobalt on the surface of leaves, stem, fruit, to create around himself electromagnetic tulle that will not allow on the fruit, leaves and stems develop microorganisms that have destroyed them. Jan supplier of food for the human fetus is - its shell, which we swill or clean thoroughly and throw the shell. The basis of our food is bread baked from wheat, which we stripped shell or porridge of rice, millet, barley, where we also shell stripped and dumped. A shell concentrated in itself Yang energy in the form of cobalt or vitamins (very-very necessary for the construction of erythrocyte vitamin B12 - kobaltomin). And he, erythrocyte carries throughout the body to every cell of Yang energy and lives 125 days, and when he did not have enough vitamin B12, then he lived 40 days.
In humans, the average for vessels-flowing rivers 5 liters of blood, which is cleared of dead red blood cells in the liver. And these 5 liters of 125 days after the liver has completely cleared. And if the red blood cells live for only 40 days, whereas the liver every 40 days to clear the 5 liters of blood. And well, when long-lived red blood cells, whereas the liver has time to cope with their work, and if they live only 40 days, the liver can not cope with this load, and in the blood remain dead red blood cells. Liver is from this constantly crowded and enlarged. A diaphragm is adjacent to the liver, which helps the heart work, and it varies with the amplitude of 4 cm and if the liver is enlarged, it pinches the diaphragm and makes poor heart normally shrink and then the blood flows very slowly through the blood river and rots from, and red blood cells die very quickly. And then the food we eat is not fermented, and rot, and the bread that we eat with tattered envelope also rotting in the gastrointestinal tract, because it lacks the B vitamins that line the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.And in decaying plant food worms, and it appears that we are feeding the worms, while they themselves eat worms and their eggs when they die. And they, worms, collectively commanded digestion civilized man. Animals not allowed to dispose of worms in your body, so a person - most-most bactericidal creature on Earth. But we need something just as Avicenna says, drinking water, which boiled barley or millet. I suggested to the Director of the bakery, his disciple, returned to power what we throw away and what all cheer.
Mark rice husks or bran and make them napar, and this water to knead the dough.Or drinks make rice husk, and we throw it away, but the smart rice husk livestock animals return, and then the animals become strong and do not get sick. A bread if bake napara of rice husk, it will be stored for a long time and ferment in their stomachs, and not rot and worms our die of hunger. If we learn to drink a delicious tea of meadowsweet, then kill worms in your body and force the red cells to live long, because they provide the Yang energy, and they will carry throughout the body energy and all the parasites destroy Yang energy. The best way to cure stomach - is to drink the water in which the peel apples insist - it Avicenna advises, and I completely agree with this, because many times convinced of the efficacy of this treatment. Stomach - this is Yang organ. And not only cure the stomach, but also help all erythrocytes 125 days to live. Then the liver and stop hurting, her load is reduced. Here we nibbling sunflower seeds, and in fact at this time to remove the seed shell vitamin B. And our grandmother until her death gnawed and lived long and do not hurt. Red blood cell - from him our life is largely dependent on the duration of his life, so doctors on erythrocytes our health check. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ie ROE determines how many erythrocyte lives when we it removed from the blood vessel. High ROE means a lot and quickly settled dead erythrocytes in the duct.
A red blood cells are destroyed when we get angry a lot. During his anger erythrocyte Yang-energy gives the muscles, and it is us from animals such reflex was transmitted to catch up with anger, escape, hit win. We then went to bed angry, and the cells at the time of the excess energy burned, killed and fed worms.
I look on TV television series, and live well because, well dressed, eat food, the apartment is, and they fight each other is not clear why and what for, and millions of red blood cells break down. Liver and kidney corpses clog and then run to the doctor for pills and again poisons destroy red blood cells, and then complain about the weakness of health. Quickly destroyed erythrocytes cell cancer fed and grows from this very quickly. And then in the large blood cell mutants appear and fill the space, which killed erythrocytes released. And then leukemia, or leukemia.
And leukocytes and cancer cell charged on negative - so the cancer cell escapes from leukocyte, pushing him away. Minus-charged B-lymphocytes in the gland on vilochkovoi plus charged and obtained T lymphocytes that adhere to the cancer cell and not allowed to develop, destroying it. The thyroid gland also helps the body fight infection by producing the hormone thyroxine, which contains iodine. A iodine has a very short half-life - only 125 days, and he gives Yang-energy cell and erythrocytes.Vitamin B is radioactive, or rather energy Yang. Radioactivity in our body must be ordered, and if the body does not pull her uncontrollably from our environment. But when we are having the predominance of yin (negative), getting into a radioactive zone, we, as the antenna, pull radiation. Cancer cell in every organism, but our brain does not let her breed. This cell, which performs no function, and the brain has to make sure that the cancer cell does not harm healthy cell toiler.
Thought is material. When we commit acts of treason against their relatives, then our brain consolidates reflex betrayal and allows the cancer cell to lead a parasitic life, take away food from healthy cells. Then there is a blood disorder. Cancer - a punishment sent to us by Nature for our treacherous, unjust life, so cancer can be treated without medication. Just enough to rethink his life. Instill in your mind the idea of justice and force your brain to destroy those cells that do not work, but they love to eat well at the expense of those who toil. When we are ashamed to live very rich among those who live in poverty, but a lot of work, we will not grow cancer cells. But this is only one cause of the tumor in the rivers of our body. Flow through the body, not only the river of blood vessels, but constantly moving juices intercellular fluids due to vibration of the axons of nerve cells. When intercellular juices bad move, rot, thicken, then the cancer cell eats these juices and growing rapidly.
To avoid rotting juices, you need to eat right and move a lot. But you need to move in a measure, for exhausting excessive, sedentary life does not bring happiness. A heart works well only with joy. Our athletes suffer no less than those who lead a stationary life. You need to get the juices of the body to rise up, and for this it is necessary that the brain works and pulled juices in the brain with energy Yang. The brain is constantly need to solve the challenges of our lives, for blood disease - brain is lazy, does not want to think about. How many challenges gives us life, and we die, and not understanding why we live? What is the problem we asked Nature?We do not know, so look for those responsible for his illness of their loved ones who have guided us to the alleged damage, and do not think that we raise ourselves colony cancer
HIV , which dramatically multiplies and poisons the surrounding nature.
HIV , which dramatically multiplies and poisons the surrounding nature.
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