Many people who have been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma must have been somehow directly exposed to asbestos. These people may have been involved in both the extraction and transportation of the hazardous material or production of major products containing asbestos. Likewise, they may have been exposed through the thousands of applications that have been given in industries like construction / repairing of ships or engineering.
However, mesothelioma is an indirect result of contact with asbestos workers or have been in contact with friends or family members who have been exposed and have themselves taken the material in their hair or clothing is developed. In fact, there are different ways in which there may have been an indirect exposure to asbestos.
Indirect occupational exposure
Such exposure arises when someone is working wax that makes direct contact with this material as may be the forradores vessels mixed asbestos. There are so certain professions or jobs where there may be an indirect occupational exposure, such as:
Asbestos Removal
Workers in plants where asbestos products were produced
Boiler Manufacturers
Building inspectors
Workers in ovens
Metal Workers
Maintenance workers
Merchant Marine
Industrial Mechanical
It is recommended that anyone who has worked in this occupation in these environments or seek medical advice so that you make sure to receive the information and treatment necessary.
Domestic exposure
domestic exposureAsbestos dust is usually impregnated clothing those who have worked with this toxic substance. Since companies generally had no specific locations where workers could clean your clothes, dust brought home so that was impregnated curtains, carpets and tapestries. Historically women were responsible for doing the laundry are at high risk because they have treated asbestos impregnated garments. As a result of this, we can say that all family members may be at risk. In fact according to one study, this domestic exposure accounts for 15 percent of all mesothelioma cases, although there are other studies that talk about 26 percent.
Environmental Exposure
This type of exposure occurs in areas where there is asbestos mines or factories. An example is found in Libby, Montana vermiculite where once extracted. It was later discovered that the vermiculite was contaminated with asbestos, so that children used to play in the piles of debris that had developed around the town mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.
Passive exposure
Although asbestos has been used since 1800, the fact is that we found the peak in mid-flowering fruit SXX construction and economy. Asbestos was used in the construction of many commercial, public and residential buildings. The U.S. EPA estimates that asbestos materials are installed in approximately 733,000 public and commercial buildings. Furthermore, this organization believes that more than 107,000 schools with this material. As a result millions of people are passively exposed to asbestos.
The risk of developing mesothelioma and related to those who have been exposed passively conditions is lower than for those who have been directly exposed, except for the wives and housewives. However a 1999 study found that only 2 to 3 true of mesothelioma deaths professions that involve high rates of asbestos exposure, such as carpenters, electricians and plumbers is attributed.
Consumer Products
Consumer prodcutosMany products of the past were made of asbestos, with amounts ranging from 1 to 100 percent. The EPA explains that even though the European ban of the manufacture and import of asbestos products, Japan and other developed countries still use this material. So the EPA states that are 3,000 commercial products containing asbestos. Some of these faulty products of human exposure to asbestos in the past include:
Electric blankets
Corrugated sheets and dryers
Heat Guns
Insulation for pipes
Parcheante Material for walls
Protection against heat for walls and floors
References: Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Center for Disease Control EPA
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