Mesothelioma Research and Bridging The Gap

Continued research on the link to mesothelioma and asbestos exposure is necessary if you ever hope to find a cure. Imagine someone you love back from the Second World War. They find a job as an auto mechanic, raise a family, and the rules of the game. Decades later tragically die of mesothelioma because someone did not warn of the dangers of asbestos fibers. Is there any reasonable person believe that this is right or fair? Of course not. Unfortunately, we can not go back in time and prevent exposure to asbestos. But what we can do is try to promote public awareness of this deadly disease and highlight some of the great research interesting study is called done.One, "Malignant mesothelioma. Attributable risk of asbestos exposure" By Spirtas R, Heineman EF, Bernstein L, Beebe GW, Keehn RJ, Stark A, Harlow BL and J Benichou - Occup Environ Med 1994, 51:804-811 doi: 10.1136/oem.51.12.804. Here's an excerpt: "OBJECTIVES - To evaluate a case study and monitoring of malignant mesothelioma through patterns of exposure to asbestos based on the information from telephone interviews with family METHODS - Potential cases identified from the files. medical and death certificates, including all those diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma during 1975-1980 and registered by the Program for Los Angeles County Cancer Surveillance, Cancer Registry of the State of New York (excluding New York City ), and 39 large hospitals in the Veterans Administration. cases whose diagnosis was confirmed in a review of pathology especially as definitive or mesothelioma probable (n = 208) were included in the analysis. controls (n = 533) had died other causes, excluding cancer, respiratory disease, suicide or violence Direct exposure to asbestos is determined from responses to three types of questions:. specific questions about any exposure to asbestos, professional or non-professional participation in any of the nine specific activities believed to involve exposure to asbestos, and analysis of work histories lifetime indirect Exhibitions were assessed through residential histories and reported contact with family exposed to asbestos RESULTS -.. Between men with pleural mesothelioma the attributable risk (AR) for asbestos exposure was 88% (confidence interval 95% (95% CI), 76-95%). For men, the AR of peritoneal cancer was 58% (CI 20 to 89%, 95%.) For women (both sites combined), the AR was 23% (CI 3-72%, 95%). Large differences in RA by gender are consistent with explanations. lower background incidence rate in women, reducing exposure to asbestos, and greater misclassification among women CONCLUSIONS - Most cases of pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma in men studied were attributable exposure to asbestos. situation of women is less definitive. "Another good study is called," Chrysotile asbestos is the main cause of pleural mesothelioma "by Allan H. Smith, MD, PhD, Catherine C. Wright, MPH School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Here's an excerpt:. "Summary - In contrast to amphibole forms of chrysotile asbestos is often claimed that it is only a minor cause of malignant pleural mesothelioma, a serious cancer of the lining of the chest cavity In this article I examine the evidence human studies that relate to this topic and animal. Reported data do not allow quoted on the relative inertness of chrysotile fibers in mesothelioma causation widely visits. Indeed, analysis of all relevant studies makes clear that chrysotile asbestos is similar in potency to amphibole. Given that asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma, chrysotile and represents 95% of all asbestos use worldwide, it can be concluded that chrysotile asbestos is the main cause of pleural mesothelioma humans. 'If you find any of these interesting passages, I would recommend that you read the studies in their entirety all owe a debt of gratitude to these researchers, and we must do everything possible to promote public awareness, this article should not be interpreted as legal or medical advice "Art By: ... Mont 

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