Asbestos Risk Factors
Asbestos and Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma attacks the mesothelium, which is the protective lining of the lungs, abdomen, chest and other internal organs. Asbestos, toxic producing this type of cancer, is a silicate mineral that is found in the natural environment and which was widely used in construction, automotive and materials fire-resistant, particularly in the twentieth century .Today the use of this silicate is prohibited
Despite the continued regulation that has been in the U.S. 3,000 mesothelioma cases appear annually, mainly affecting people who suffered dangerous levels of asbestos exposure. Although gradually see a decline in the diagnosis of men, the number of women exposed in USA remains, which means that the cancer threat to both sexes as professional roles change.
Some professions have levels of exposure to asbestos higher than others. Are professions such as mining, construction, demolition, building trains and certain military branches, among which stands out the army. Repairers and shipbuilders are at high risk.Mesothelioma sometimes affects families of these workers, given the possibility that they work with the fibers home on your clothes or in your hair.
Even today it is estimated that the asbestos-containing materials can be found even in schools where its use as insulation and as a building material was common. Other public buildings may contain asbestos typically on the floor, on the ceiling in the pipes, in insulation of pipes and boilers. All these sources of asbestos exposure can be a risk of mesothelioma and that eventually become friable materials, allowing the small fibers are suspended in the air for hours.
Effects on the respiratory system
Asbestos fibers are composed of silicate. These fibers can be inhaled and transmitted to the respiratory system. Asbestos fibers may be also ingested then affect the lining of the abdomen, which is known to occur as peritoneal mesothelioma. When the fibers reach the lungs, they may penetrate the layer and the inner surface of the chest.
Anyone who feels mesothelioma symptoms should immediately contact a doctor and a lawyer. Companies continued to use asbestos despite the terrible consequences that would follow for their workers must compensate the damage.
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