Various Ways To Reduce Weight
All women want a body ideal and proportional.
All women want a body ideal and proportional. For the most part this means reduced weight. There are many ways that we can do for this, from a wide variety of diets to surgery. We must admit, in a world that this ultra fast we tend to want results as quickly as lightning, but is this the best way? Have you ever examined whether people-people who weigh plummeted very quickly to maintain their ideal weight forever?
Let us explore the varied ways – how to reduce the weight and side effects.
How to lose weight the fastest and the most lazy is operating with liposuction or tummy-tuck. With effortless diet and exercise, your body can change drastically. However, as we can see on the body of the famous artists were already doing liposuction, body State is not durable.
a liposuction is surgery to remove the fat under the skin, and is done
to achieve the harmony of body shape, not to lose weight. While tummy-tuck is the process of disposal of excess fatty tissue and skin on it to form a body more aesthetically. Any reduced fat may not be more than 3-5 kg once operation
Both types of operations are always done doctors against patients who have body bergelambir body weight after shrink. So,
once the new surgery to lose weight, not surgery to lose weight because
if your eating patterns remain the same as before, then the body fat
will come back after 3 months.
Gastric bindings & gastric by-pass
This action is selected if any slimming method with no luck. Bindings
mounting tool is Gastric "Binder hull" that cause gastric pouch is
smaller so that we will not eat much because the body feel full faster. Through this action the weight can be reduced by 35 to 60 percent in 12 months.
contrast to the temporary bindings gastric, gastric by-pass is
permanent, the doctor will make a "path" liaison between the base of the
hull with the intestine so that food does not, however, directly into
the stomach through the intestine. With gastric by-pass, weight can be reduced by up to 80 percent. To do both types of such action, the patient must be aged over 35 years.
Akunpuntur method to date has yet to be scientifically proven able to lose weight. Generally
must be coupled with diet and expect instant results without effort,
the patients were stopped in the middle of the road because it never
received the expected ideal weight.
Drugs and supplements slimming
Prior to the trust by the lure of advertising, should be thoroughly washed in drugs and supplements. Food
and drug supervision agency of USA (FDA) even forbade the consumption
of slimming supplements containing content of akftif e. sinica ephedrine
or because of psychiatric symptoms have side effects, as well as make
cerna channels interfere with heart palpitations. Slimming drugs from China is also famous for can cause kidney damage.
Popular diets
Popular diets are often referred to as "Fad Diets", has characteristics among others; promising
rapid downturn, can cure a variety of diseases, recommends the use of
feed supplements, based on a specific time, restrict or prohibit certain
foods and only for the long term.
can be classified into fad diets such as low-carb diets, food
combining, a diet based on blood type, the mayo clinic diet. Because
of the many restrictions on certain types of food to eat, usually the
body's needs will be unmet due to a shortage of nutritional vitamins,
iron, and fiber.
terms of nutrition, each meal time (morning, noon and night)
recommended eating food that varies in amount, because the body requires
a balanced range of nutrients at once.
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