Formation and forms of prostate cancer
Most tumors arise in the so-called peripheral zone of the prostate and there are palpable when they manifest themselves. You can also remain latent, be discovered by accident or occult (hidden).80-90% of all prostate cancers arise in the peripheral zone of the prostate (bottom and sides and back to almost the top), about 10% in the transition zone (front and sides of the urethra start) and only a few in the other three areas (central, forward, around the urethra, seeAnatomy of the prostate ).
Particularly important is the unequal distribution in early detection. Because depending on the location and size are prostate on digital rectal examination (DRE) not to grope (in the peripheral zone from about 0.2 ml; see also DRU and early detection of prostate cancer ). In contrast, tumors in the transition zone can be discovered by chance during operations (for details see below).
Forms: Manifesto, latent, inzidentes and occult prostate cancer
Clinically or manifest (which came to light clearly visible) refers to prostate cancer, the palpated (see DRU ) or with imaging techniques (eg TRUS ) biopsy has been shown and secured by (see prostate biopsy ).The number of latent (running without symptoms, invisible) prostate cancer is much higher: as such, is called prostate cancer, who had become his lifetime not flashy (manifest) and had no effect on life expectancy and quality of life of those affected. From screening to deceased men (autopsy studies) it is known that the proportion of men with latent prostate cancer increases with age, up to 60% over 80-year-olds (see also incidence of prostate cancer ).
Therefore, it is not surprising that so many tumor is discovered accidentally (inzidentes prostate cancer): pathologist found a carcinoma in 5-10% of prostate tissue (mostly in the transition zone), which was not removed because of suspected cancer, but, for example because of a benign prostatic syndrome ( "benign prostatic hyperplasia", see surgical procedure for BPH treatment ). The size of such tumors is classified as T1a or T1b (s growth and spread ).
From an occult (hidden) prostate cancer is when true metastases (secondary tumors) are present, the primary tumor (primary tumor), however, is itself not to be found only with investigations and without prostate surgery.
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