Learn the facts about prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is curable, and the sooner it is detected, the greater the chance of long term cure. This is why women should encourage men in their lives to get screened every year for prostate cancer - early detection and treatment choice are the keys to curing prostate cancer.Screenings include a blood test PSA (a small amount of blood is drawn and then analyzed) and a digital rectal examination (DRE). The prostate is a gland that exists only in men, and is located below the bladder, rectum, and along with the position of the prostate is why most men avoid prostate exams like the plague - the physician must press against the rectum to feel the prostate.
Although you may not think you can survive prostate cancer, which is very important for you to have an open mind you can. Yes, it has killed a lot of people around the world, young and old. Yes, still kill more people worldwide. Yes, and all the other yes, but the fact is that there are still many people who are surviving prostate cancer each and everyday.During the early stages of prostate cancer many men experience no symptoms or are asymptomatic. The first symptom is usually noticed bone pain, after the cancer has spread to the bones of the pelvis. The size, location, and malignancy of the tumor affect urinary symptoms found. These symptoms will be similar to that experienced by men with benign prostatic hyperplasia and may include urinary urgency, frequency, hesitancy, dysuria, and nocturia. Sexually active men may notice hematuria or blood in your ejaculate.
Medical experts who encourage regular screening believe current scientific evidence shows that finding and treating prostate cancer early, when treatment can be most effective, can save lives. Researchers have recently identified a number of markers for genes that, when present with a family history of the disease, increases the risk of prostate cancer in a patient over nine times.Your nutrition significantly affects the risk of prostate problems. Young people need to realize that the choice of diet now will affect the risk as they grow too. No matter how old you are right now or what your diet looks like you can still make positive changes.
It may be difficult at first, but soon find that you love the way you feel when you eat healthy. It also protects the prostate from cancer.Lycopene development is one of the most promising substances as optional natural cure prostate. A component of tomato and is only there in cooked tomato products. European diets commonly used tomatoes have been linked to a small number of enlarged prostate. Painful ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are associated with drug-based treatments and men for what they are, of course, very careful about this. Herbs in contrast have little or no case any harmful effects. Herbs are also less expensive
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