Prostate cancer (prostate cancer)
Growth, propagation, classification
Question: prostate cancer grows because more and faster the longer it exists?
Answer: One imagines the growth of prostate cancer today as follows: If a cancer cell is formed, divide and then their daughter cells slowly but regularly and on. That is, the cell division rate is maintained. However, the volume and therefore the weight of the tumor doubling at regular intervals, while its diameter increases by only each a quarter (26%). So it depends on what you mean by growth. If you look at the diameter, it is clear that it takes much longer until a pinhead large tumor to a node grows the size of a hazelnut, as it takes until it reaches walnut size. For some men, but also the rate of cell division over time seems to speed up for unknown reasons.
Question: Where the cancer is of the prostate from first?
Answer: The tumor breaks through the prostate capsule especially at the points where blood vessels, nerves or lymphatic vessels pass through, so precisely in the direction of the neurovascular bundle, which also for the erection (limb stiffening) lost important nerves.Prostate cancer also grows preferentially along the Spritzkanälchen that run through the prostate and from the ends of the vas deferens and the excretory ducts of the seminal vesiclesemerge (see Anatomy of the prostate ). Therefore, these are often affected and during an operation ( radical prostatectomy with away).
Question: Where can spread prostate cancer?
Answer: Basically in the entire body. The first metastases (secondary tumors) are found usually in the lymph nodes , initially in the immediate vicinity of the prostate, then the rest of pelvis and in the abdomen. About the blood malignant cells often reach the bone, especially lumbar, thighs and pelvis.
Question: Interspersed each prostate cancer or does it depend on its size?
Answer: The probability that at the time of diagnosis and metastases are found to increase with the size of the tumor. However, it may be present, which can then be discovered upon further increase already tiny (micrometastases). Whether the risk that absiedeln cancer cells also increases with tumor size and how quickly divide the cells in the metastases, is still unclear. It is believed that prostate cancer can only form from a diameter of 0.7 cm metastasis.
Question: What is prostate cancer PT2A pN0 M0 R0?
A: It means that a cancer is present, the spreading of the so-called TNM system has been detected. Where T stands for the extent of the tumor, 2a means that it affects more than half a prostate page. N is the lymph nodes in the area of the prostate gland that are not affected in this case, (0). The p means that the classification into two categories T and M were secured pathological (with a histological examination by a pathologist ), which suggests that an operation has been performed. M stands for metastases in distant lymph nodes or to other parts of the body, 0 means that none have been found with studies. R represents a remaining in the body after surgery residual tumor, for which there is no evidence here (0).
Question: When I was out of prostate cancer found a HG-PIN. Is that both prostate cancer?
Answer: no. Among prostate cancer refers to all malignant tumors of the prostate gland. In most cases, it involves a tumor originating and are therefore known as prostate surface of cells (eg glandular cells). A HG-PIN is, however, a high degree of change of surface cells from which prostate cancer may develop a potential cancer precursor so.
Question: What determines how evil is prostate cancer?
Answer: First of it to which type of tumor belongs, ie from which it is derived tissue. So the rare, emanating from the interstitial tissue Prostatasarkom clearly malignant (malignant) than the derived surface cells from prostate cancer. Then how strong the cells and the tissue that they form different from their tissue of origin, the greater the differences (= the stronger the dedifferentiation = the lower the differentiation), the higher the malignancy (malignancy). This can be by various methods (eg Gleason ) classify (= grading ).
Question: was on my findings "Gleason 7 (3 +4)" What does that mean?
Answer: The American doctor DF Gleason described by histological studies of five different growth pattern of prostate cancer and the extent of deviation from normal tissue and thus according to the malignancy of the tumor from low to highly ordered (Gleason grade 1-5).Indicated are two numbers for the degrees of the prevailing and the pattern second most found, and their sum ( Gleason score , often referred to only Gleason). At 7 is different in Figure 7A (3 +4) and 7b (4 +3) because the prediction in the first case is more than in the second and sometimes do not have the individual figures.
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