Signs of disease in prostate cancer

In early stage prostate cancer is no clear warning and caused most small, indefinite symptoms. Later, it can especially cause some discomfort during urination and bone pain.

Prostate cancer usually triggers no early warning signs, because it usually occurs in the peripheral (outer) zone of the prostate and thus is neither painful nor the urethra narrows (seeOrigin and forms of prostate cancer ).

It grows slowly, as a rule, but it can spread locally into the environment and metastases (secondary tumors) form (see the growth and spread of prostate cancer ). Only then is expected to complaints, first urination and part of the adjacent organs (eg, rectum, below), and later in remote areas. However, none of the symptoms is a proof of the tumor, since all can also be caused by other diseases, which should be examined.

Locally limited prostate cancer

Urinary symptoms (see micturition disorders ) are a relatively common sign, even as long as the tumor is still confined to the prostate. They are a result of a narrowing of the urethra, either early, when the tumor has arisen near the urethra (rare), or increase in size of a more outwardly located carcinoma. These characters as weakened urinary stream, frequent, particularly nocturnal urination and dribbling but far more often by a (possibly co-existing!) Benign prostatic syndrome caused ("benign prostatic hyperplasia", see signs of the BPS ).

Any discomfort or pain occurs If, at this stage, they are usually small and are difficult to locate (eg, rectum, perineum, genitalia, pubis, lower abdomen). Such symptoms may also result from a BPD or disorders, in particular chronic inflammation, for example, the rectum, the bladder or the prostate (see prostatitis ). Through tissue damage prostate cancer, however, can also allow or maintain a prostatitis only.

Locally advanced prostate cancer

Spreads of the tumor on the urethra, bladder or ureter from, it can be next to micturition disorders (see above) be further Harnwegssymptomen, as well as in urinary tract, and as a complication of BPS they are possible (see character of the BPS ), for example, pain during urination and of the bladder and kidneys, invisible or visible blood admixture to the urine (seehematuria ), acute urinary retention ( ischuria ), hydronephrosis (usually painless backwater) and kidney failure.

A spread through the capsule and into the surrounding tissue causing pain in this area (especially the pubic bone and dam), which are distinguished from other prostate diseases and diseases of neighboring organs (see two paragraphs above).

Irregular bowel movements and discomfort during bowel movements also come in numerous diseases before (even with prostatitis). Thus, a constipation (CC) indicate a bowel narrowing by a large prostate and blood in the stool on its ingrowth into the intestine (the stool test way part of the colorectal cancer screening).

Blood in the semen (see hemospermia ) can be the result of tumor involvement of the seminal vesicles, but also come from inflammation of the prostate ( prostatitis ) or the seminal vesicles (Spermatozystitis , also taking with prostatitis).

When erectile dysfunction ( erectile dysfunction , "impotence"), men who are always investigated, especially in the age of 45 of prostate cancer, especially when the function has deteriorated in a short time. Because this could be an indication of an infestation of the erection (stiffening member) may be important nerves that directly abut the prostate (seeAnatomy of the prostate ).

Metastatic prostate cancer

Forms of prostate cancer metastases, in addition to anticipate to the above, with other signs of illness:
General symptoms of advanced malignant tumor, but also many other diseases are tiredness, fatigue, reduced performance, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss and anemia.

Lymph node metastases may impede lymphatic drainage from the legs and the sexual organs and thus there cause lymphedema (accumulation of tissue fluid). You can also cause a Harnleitereinengung with hydronephrosis and renal failure and other symptoms.

Distant metastases are found in prostate cancer most often in the skeleton, particularly in lumbar vertebrae and femur and pelvic bone (s growth and spread of prostate cancer ).Thereto Possible indicators are lower back pain (lumbago), into the buttocks or legs radiating back pain (sciatica), pain in the pelvis, hip and thigh, as well as bone fractures without appropriate prior violence. Therefore, especially in older men who have back, joint or bone pain, always clarify whether prostate cancer is present

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