The prostate
The prostate is one of the male reproductive organs. The gland is normally about chestnut in size and has the young man a weight of 20-25 g and the older man of 30-40 g The prostate surrounds the male urethra below the bladder, the urine from the bladder through the penis and the urethral orifice passes to the outside (see Figure 1).
The prostate is composed of glandular tissue, connective tissue and muscles. The glands of the prostate fluid during ejaculation serves as transport, food and activating agent for the spermatozoa. During ejaculation, the prostatic fluid and the sperm are in the closed bladder neck via the urethra ejected (ejaculation). In the prostate, thus meeting the urinary tract and seminal tract of man together. In a prostate disease, it may cause harmful interference with urination and during ejaculation.
The prostate is composed of a plurality of zones. It is for sampling the difference between the outer and the inner zone are important (see fig 2). The vast majority of prostate cancers occurs in the outer zone of the prostate.
Why some men, a malignant disease of the prostate occurs is not clearly understood. Scientific studies, however, show that the incidence of prostate cancer increases for years and will probably continue to increase in the coming years. Prostate cancer has become the man in Germany the most common cancer in recent years.
Genetic (hereditary) changes may favor the occurrence of the disease, but only a relatively small fraction of all prostate cancers occur familial association. Consists of one or more of your male blood relatives (brothers, father, uncle, grandfather) with prostate cancer, it may mean you have an increased risk of disease. If so ill as the father at an early age from prostate cancer, as is increased for the son of the risk of developing a prostate cancer. However, not every type of prostate cancer hereditary. The answer to this question is the subject of numerous research efforts.
In addition to genetic factors, environmental factors also play a role in tumorigenesis. Previous research has demonstrated that a high-fat and low-fiber diet with a high content of animal fat and protein may promote cancer. A low-fat and high-fiber (vegetarian) diet, however, reduces the risk of carcinogenesis in the prostate. Also, the male sex hormone testosterone has an influence on the growth of prostate cancer. Inflammation of the prostate or the frequency of sexual intercourse, according to recent studies, however, have no effect on the prostate cancer or its development. Prostate cancer occurs in older men significantly more frequently than in younger men, so it is also due to the increasing life expectancy to an increase in this disease.
However, the frequency of tumor development also reflects the diversity of the disease process. The origin and the course of prostate cancer can be very individual. On the one hand can cause no or very few complaints of prostate cancer in some people in the course of life. On the other hand, a prostate cancer but also in every age do not just local problems, but also remote settlements set (called metastases) and lead to death.
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