Urologists recommend rehabilitation after prostate cancer treatment
Probably every second man takes after cancer therapy, no rehabilitation benefits.And this is often despite adverse physical consequences and psychological strain.For the specialists to the many patients who forgo such assistance.
Again and again ask the patients affected, whether after treatment of prostate cancer a rehab is necessary. Packages can be the answer hardly. "The decision is particularly dependent on the stage of the disease and thus also on the type of treatment as well as their different consequences," says Dr. Axel Schroeder, president of the Professional Association of German Urologists Association (BDU).
Mostly a stationary follow-up treatment (AHB), however, highly recommended, so the urologist from Neumünster. "It leads to more rapid overcoming physical and personal limitations and thereby speed up the return to usual daily life," says the spokeswoman of the German Society for Urology Association (DGU), Prof. Dr. Sabine Kliesch. Official data on the number requested AHB and Rehas after the primary treatment of prostate cancer, there is not, according to estimates, however this only happens in every other case.
In Germany prostate cancer with more than 60,000 Neubefunden per year is the man's most common cancer. A primary treatment for prostate cancer - no matter whether by surgery or by radiotherapy - is a serious physical intervention, which is usually accompanied by undesirable consequences. "In the radical prostatectomy, this can be incontinence and erectile dysfunction in the radiation treatment more general exhaustion and pathologies of bowel and bladder and only in the late consequence of erectile dysfunction," said Schroeder.
In all cases, the psychological burden for the patient is high - not only by the cancer diagnosis, but also by the treatment. Recurrence fears, depressive episodes and sleep disorders are not uncommon. For these reasons, a rehabilitation also keeps Dr. Dr. Stefan Buntrock, chief physician of a large rehabilitation center after oncological intervention in any case, a urological follow-up treatment, but the disease will continue to be necessary.
Follow-up treatment and rehabilitation primarily differ in the time at which they are discharged after treatment. The CSO must begin no later than two weeks after discharge from the acute hospital, rehab within a year.
Because of the patient's body is usually fully loaded yet again at the time of the CSO, it is reflected for example in the intensity of motion exercises of the pelvic floor, explained Buntrock, comprise the greater part of the rehabilitation measures in the clinic CSO. "Whether AHB or rehab, we see the disease is not physically isolated, but in a bio-psycho-social context. The rehabilitation must not be limited only to the physical consequences themselves, but they should also address the psychological stress of patients and consider the consequences of the disease in the context of family, partnership, work and social activity, "said the urologist from Bad Wildungen. This is about quality of life.
Payers of AHB and rehab is in most cases the German Pension Insurance (DRV). Numbers for medical rehabilitation after prostate cancer surgery does not have the DRV. Rehabilitation expert Buntrock assumes that no more than 50 percent of all interventions followed by a CSO or rehabilitation follows. There was no information about why they would not often use them.More common is to hear from patients that they are reluctant to leave their familiar environment after recovering from surgery. But is also the possibility of a community-based outpatient rehabilitation, according to information from the "Medical Journal", rarely used. Their share is then only about one percent of all cancer Rehas.
One focus of urological AHB and rehabilitation measures is chief physician Buntrock in the management of postoperative urinary incontinence. Here, in his words, the factor of time helps.However, the active participation through appropriate training shortening the periods and increase the chances of success. However, the holistic approach targets just also aim to reduce the psychological burden of cancer patients and to accelerate its full reintegration into the usual family, social and professional life.
Given the age of the patient group - often 60 years or more - it was in rehab also important to minimize guided by lifestyle changes in addition, risk factors such as obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure. After recommendation by their treating urologist in hospital or private practice prostate cancer patients should therefore use the urological rehabilitation as possible, summarize DGU spokeswoman Kliesch and BDU-President Schroeder.
The topic of rehabilitation with the various implementing forms such as AHB and with the different payers is rather complicated. A first overview including medical rehabilitation for urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction as well as references to further information, see the section "Information" in the "prostate cancer" under rehabilitation after prostate cancer treatment .
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