Easy Ways to Avoid Colon Cancer

Milk can protect you from colon cancer ( Photos - traffictetris )

The process of cleansing or detoxification is essential to maintain a healthy body and prevent colon cancer .

JAKARTA , Jaringnews.com - Colon cancer is greatly feared . The disease is life-threatening if not quickly resolved . However , there are some foods that can be consumed to avoid colon cancer . Among them diligently eating fiber ( whole grains , fruits and vegetables ) . Avoid foods that are made ​​from dyes and preservatives , alcohol and cigarettes , and drink water and reduce stress levels .

As reported by Boldsky , here are some foods that can prevent colon cancer is lodged in the body ;

1 . Foods high in folate
If you have a family history of colon cancer , multiply foods containing folate , which is a type of vitamin B that can protect cells from DNA damage .

According to a study from Harvard University , nearly 89,000 women who have the risk of colon cancer may lower the risk by more than 52 % after eating food that contains folic although only 200 micrograms per day .

You can get about 100 to 150 micrograms of folic simply by eating a cup of beans or spinach . One medium-size fruit juice can also offer up to 50 micrograms of folate .

2 . Foods that are high in fiber
Experts suggest eating foods that contain fiber to more than 15 grams of fiber each day . Fiber can control the speed of the food as it passes through the digestive system and maintain a healthy colon .

According to data from the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition ( EPIC ) , the lack of fiber is more likely to develop colon cancer by 40 percent . Taking natural fiber from fruits , grains and legumes are also proven to be safer than taking fiber supplements .

3 . milk
Milk not only can provide benefits for strong bones , but it can also protect you from colon cancer . Based on the data of more than half a million people showed that those who drank at least one glass of milk a day , can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 15 percent .

4 . avocado
Avocado oil is rich in omega - 3 . Where can cleanse the colon and prevent digestion . In addition , omega - 3 oils help lubricate the intestinal walls that can rinse your food scraps and rancun .

Efficacy of fruit you can feel when the dirt was already out and will feel lighter body . The process of cleansing or detoxification is very important to maintain a healthy body and prevent colon cancer you .

5 . brown
Brown also contributed to human health . In previous studies , scientists have shown cocoa beans can help kill pre-cancerous cells in the colon for colon cancer foiled .

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