Asbestos a tragic story and a challenge for exemplary research
We publish the authoritative intervention of Prof. Luciano Mutti , a member of the National Scientific and Technical Committee , and Director of the Department ONA Research and Treatment of mesothelioma.
The properties of asbestos have been known since the times of ancient civilizations that have always made ​​extensive use .Pliny the Elder reported the circumstance to which the slaves assigned to work in asbestos mines had health problems much more frequently than other slaves .The first evidence of two disease states , most likely attributable to mesothelioma occurred in 1769 , attributed to the French physician who practiced Joseph Lieutad 3000 autopsies (fig 1 ), while E. Wagner in 1870 is attributed to the first definition of malignant mesothelioma as a distinct disease entity .fig 1The industrial revolution led to a tremendous increase in the use of ' asbestos in the course of the 18th and 19th century heavily used in steam engines, technology hub of the revolution .Yet the existence of pleural mesothelioma was placed in doubt until the beginning of the 19th century when some relationship between the damage to health and exposure to asbestos fibers became progressively more evident.Unfortunately, these years saw the great prevalence of tuberculosis as a major respiratory illness and subsequent lung fibrosis and pleural long confused the doctors in the course of autopsies interpreted as scars tuberculous fibrosis pleuropulmonary from asbestos and mesothelioma same .Only in 1930 it began to correlate cases of pulmonary fibrosis with exposure to asbestos.Unfortunately, over the years, with the outbreak of the two world wars , the demand for and use of asbestos increased dramatically.Asbestos was used heavily in ships , buildings and almost all of the weapons used in those years.From there began a gradual and increasingly widespread civilian use of asbestos : public buildings ( eg schools ) and private in a ' wide range of everyday objects .Yet only in 1960, Wagner and co-workers reported 47 cases of mesothelioma observed during the previous five years in a part of South Africa where there were small companies that dealt with asbestos.Many of the deceased had had a kind of professional exposure to asbestos ( including a railroad ) many years ago , some were played by children on piles of asbestos deposited in the vicinity of the companies , one had lived in the immediate vicinity of a factory which used the ' asbestos .1965 is , however, the date on which the international scientific community finally sealed the ' existence of cancerogenetici effects of ' asbestos : in fact published in 1965 were published in the proceedings of the conference organized in 1964 by the New York Academy of Sciences on the biological effects of ' asbestos . ( Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1965)In the meantime , unfortunately, in the United States , it is estimated that between 1940 and 1979, 27.5 million people were exposed to asbestos fibers for reasons lavorativi.Ora we then face what has been called " Epidemic European Pleural mesothelioma , J . Peto , 1999) with very few effective weapons due to a too incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms that determine the appearance and development of this cancer .Just this knowledge has , however, allowed great strides in the treatment of other cancers (such as breast , colon , urinary tract and leukemias / lymphomas ), of which a significant part is currently treated with drugs that inhibit the molecular mechanisms discovered especially in the last 15 years.There is therefore no doubt that the same knowledge should be acquired quickly even on the molecular mechanisms of cancer from asbestos and in particular of Pleural Mesothelioma . Only way to achieve the purpose of designing new , more effective therapies , In short, we are faced with a big challenge for research.The principles which led the research of our group as the other teams of research on mesothelioma in the world were largely borrowed from the fields of research previously conducted for the study of cancer incidence and are at increased slowly the wide gap of knowledge between the pleural mesothelioma ( in particular) and other cancers .In particular, we focused on the study of how to increase the sensitivity of tumor cells to Mesothelioma to the most common anticancer drugs used for this cancer and how to reduce or eliminate the characteristic resistance of all tumor cells ( in particular in those of Mesothelioma ) to cell death (necrosis) or programmed cell death ( apoptosis).To better understand these features should be considered as a valid therapeutic targets to recall here the most accredited mechanisms as responsible for the transformation of normal cells in pleural mesothelioma cells ( mesothelial cells )Asbestos fibers exert their ability 'to carcinogenesis primarily through three main mechanisms :a) Rupture of chromosomes with mechanical action that leads to a stable radical change of ' " trim " gene of mesothelial cells to which these cells end up with more express genes that lead to' increased proliferation and resistance to stimulus normally capable of kill the cells .b ) genetic damage due to oxidative stress associated with iron contained in asbestos fibers. This type of oxidative damage leads to an abnormal gene expression similarly to the mechanical action described previously .c) Proliferation of mesothelial cells damaged that favors the selection of abnormal mesothelial cells , are resistant to toxic stimuli and represent the first step towards their transformation into cancer cells.d) The ability of the asbestos fibers to induce growth factors with the activation of specific biochemical signals of resistance to necrosis and apoptosis represent a further , crucial mechanism of neoplastic transformation of mesothelial cells (Fig 2 )From these general considerations on the mechanisms of carcinogenesis is easy to understand how our attention is focused on the biochemical signals considered able to increase the resistance of the cells to toxic stimuli and promote , as an event, the final appearance of neoplastic cells through the state of from transformed cells ' exposure to asbestos. The "transformation" then , as a prelude intermediate state , through the progressive acquisition of resistance to cell death , the formation of cancer cells induced by ' exposure to asbestos.They go back about 10 years ago, our first data that led us to focus on the release of growth factors and activation of its biochemical signals as a crucial mechanism in carcinogenesis of Mesothelioma .In 2001, our group published in fact the first article in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on a series of experiments which showed that in a model of co- carcinogenesis virus / asbestos, mesothelioma and mesothelial cells produce high amounts of growth factor called Hepatocyte growth Factor ( HGF) is well known as being able to contribute to the survival of cells exposed to toxic stimuli of different nature.This first work that opened new perspectives to the study of the biochemical signals induced by growth factors in the onset and progression of pleural mesothelioma .In particular, for some years the study of their proliferative signal has gradually developed and has been extensively studied both from our own and other groups in the world.In particular, our attention has focused on biochemical signals involving different proteins whose activation plays an essential role in the survival of normal cells exposed to toxic agents and / or cancerogeneticiPI3K/AKT . The activity of PI3K is well known as being able to activate a protein called AKT including main biological effects is considered crucial to the ability of cells to confer increased resistance to toxic stimuli . The activation of this protein is significantly related to the action of HGF as well as other growth factors such as Platelet Derived Growth Facor (PDGF ) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF ) whose release by the cells of Mesothelioma associated with the presence of the respective receptors on the same cells has been demonstrated (Fig 2)The research has therefore focused on the role of AKT in both mesothelial cells grown experimentally in cells exposed to asbestos is mesothelioma .Since the early experiments it was evident as indeed asbestos fibers were able to induce activation of AKT (Fig 3 ) and how this activation was significantly responsible for the process of transformation and resistance to the toxicity exerted by the fibers . Indeed the ' experimental use of inhibitors of AKT was again able to induce such toxicity .So AKT has been considered a key protein in the process that leads to the selection of mesothelial tumor cells after exposure to asbestos fibers .The next step was to identify a method potentially applicable in clinical practice that it was able to induce the same inhibitory effect of AKT in cells of Mesothelioma .The focus has then again focused on growth factors able to activate AKT and on the identification of specific inhibitors of their effect on this protein .In particular, the intense expression of the PDGF receptor ( PDGFR ) on mesothelioma cells has suggested the use of a specific inhibitor of the biological effects induced by the interaction between PDGF and PDGFR .The availability on the market a drug on the market ( whose active ingredient is Imatinib Mesylate , trade name, Gleevec ®) , which can interfere with the binding of PDGF / PDGFR has therefore prompted the research to test what effect Imatinib was able to exercise on ' activation of AKT .It is thus shown as Imatinib Mesylate is able to induce selective inhibition of the activation of AKT and also a very significant increase in the sensitivity to certain chemotherapeutic drugs such as gemcitabine .This set of in vitro data has thus justified the use del'associazione gemcitabine / Imatinib also on experimental animals that had been experimentally induced human mesothelioma .The treatment of these experimental tumors induced a significant improvement in the survival of animals tested with a reduction or stability of the size of the tumor (Fig 5 )The logical conclusion of these preclinical studies has been to induce the scientific world and our group to assess the real possibility that these results could and should also be tested on patients with mesothelioma .Initially, patients were treated with very extensive disease and were refractory to previous therapy nel'ambito every one administration called " compassionate."The ability of the treatment to induce responses very significant both in terms of reduction in tumor mass that of improving the quality of life as well as the perception that these effects to be passed also on a longer survival ( Fig 6 ) , ultimately prompted to begin a ' further clinical trials on patients selected from those with a lack of response to chemotherapy or relapse after an initial response to chemotherapy (unfortunately almost constant conditions in patients with mesothelioma ) .
Fig 2 . When a population of mesothelial cells exposed to asbestos fibers some of these cells become resistant to the toxic agents and are progressively transformed and induced the proliferation inducing the appearance of mesothelioma cells .Population of cells

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