Acupuncture as a way to relieve the side effects of cancer treatment

In addition to relying on chemotherapy drugs , there are actually other ways to fight cancer .

Want to know what it is ? Here are six alternative cancer therapies as reported by Forbes ( 18/11 ) :

1 . acupuncture
According to Acupuncture Today , some people believe this method of traditional Chinese medicine can help prevent resistance effective system to cure cancer . Meanwhile , the National Cancer Institute just mentioned acupuncture as a way to relieve the side effects of cancer treatment , such as chemotherapy by means of pain control .

2 . daily supplements
Professor Jacek Pinsky of the Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center , Los Angeles , explained that a daily supplement is now used as the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer . Typically , a commonly used supplement is green tea , lycopene ( from tomatoes , papaya or guava ) , selenium ( in nuts and fish ) , genistein ( soy , tofu , and soy milk ) , vitamin E and vitamin D.

3 . pomegranate juice
" Some studies suggest that drinking pomegranate juice can slow the growth of prostate cancer , " said one expert from the Mayo Clinic .

4 . Coffee enema
Enema is the procedure fluid intake into the intestine through the anus . Unfortunately, this procedure is considered quite controversial . Though coffee is rich in antioxidants that are capable of stimulating certain nerves in the intestine and make the heart more leverage in detoxifying the body .

5 . Chromatotherapy
Some doctors believe that using chromatotherapy procedures that provide bright color in the body is able to make cancer cells die . Although the American Cancer Society states that the use of color therapy is stated there is no strong evidence about it .

6 . injection
Eco - activist Wiebo Ludwug ( 69 ) of Canada claims to have undergone therapy procedures involving injections of vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide to cure throat cancer he suffered . He chose this way than any other method that generated a lot of controversy .

Those are some alternative therapies for cancer cure . If you also intend to do so , try to consult with a doctor first .

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