Diagnosis of Mesothelioma
Very important is the patient's medical history in which we can determine exposure to risk factors. Physical examination will reveal abnormal sounds during breathing, dry cough and sometimes uncertain changes of lung and pleura. Another examination is commonly chest X-ray . When suspected, the investigative scheme extends the CT (computed tomography) or MRI . When there is fluid in the chest cavity (fluidothorax), you may remove the sample and sent for histological examination. The thoracic fluid may be present because the tumor cells. If this test is negative, the accesses to the sampling own tumor (tumor biopsy). biopsy is performed using thoracoscopy. The doctor makes a small incision and the chest wall between the ribs introduce the thoracoscope, a narrow lighted instrument through which the surgeon finds and removes the tumor sample. If the tumor in the abdominal cavity, the diagnosis is very similar, performed with X-ray , CT and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen. The sampling is used laparoscope . In the future, you might also use PET scan (positron emission tomography).
During the diagnosis is very important to detect the tumor, but also determine its spread (staging). They are different classifications, the latest is Brighamův system . The first stage is surgically removed without lymph node involvement. In the second stage, already impaired lymph nodes. Stage three involves surgically irremovable tumor that has spread to the chest wall, heart, diaphragm, lymph nodes or outside the chest. The fourth stage involves distant metastases or distant tumor ingrowth. By staging is then chosen treatment.
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