Asbestos found naturally
Although EPA explains that the asbestos found in the wild is not a threat to people if not handled, location in certain regions allows you to extract and manipulate, so if you poses a particular risk to the population. An example is the town of Libby, Montana where a vermiculite mine in the world. Unfortunately extracted vermiculite Libby was contaminated with high levels of asbestos. Today Libby is one of the priorities of the EPA as to restore a healthy population and to eliminate that threat has already affected hundreds of lives.

International production of asbestos
Among the countries that lead the production of asbestos are among others Russia, China and Brazil. While it is true that some of these countries have only mined and produced the material for your own use, others continue transporting. Among these countries the most criticized for its continued production and sale Canada who despite being a developed country with strict regulations against the use of asbestos continues to export this material to developing countries like India and Mexico where they have no legislation so restrictive.

References: The Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry EPA Morris, Jim. (July 21, 2010) "Exporting an Epidemic." Retrieved April 19, 2011 from The Center for Public Integrity. U.S. Geological Survey

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