Multimodal treatments for mesothelioma
Although mesothelioma has no cure, many treatments are available for patients, and that when used together can be more successful in treating the disease if the patient chooses only one. When more than one treatment is used together is what is called multimodal treatments.

Multimodal treatments
multimodal treatmentAn example of a multimodal treatment for mesothelioma is the case that the patient will undergo a surgery to remove the cancerous tissue. After this, chemotherapy is applied in the area of ​​the body where the tumor was located before and probably a chemotherapy drug is also given. The point is to attack from different angles and mesothelioma decrease the chances of returning. Besides that radiotherapy can also use it to remove the mesothelioma When there is no cure, multimodal treatments for mesothelioma pose the most beneficial treatment.

However, this does not mean that an isolated treatment or treatments that use only one line of attack are not beneficial and are not able to reduce the disease slowly. In fact pleuronectomía is a serious surgery that eradicates the damaged part of the lungs, pleura, diaphragm and pericardium. Only produces a decrease in tumor mass, vitality and capacity for growth. In combination with other treatments, however, the chances of success increase. Hence multimodal treatments are used more and more, even if that entails more and worse side effects from radiation and the various forms of chemotherapy.

Biomarkers and multimodal treatment

biomarkers and multimodal treatmentFinally the ability to use biomarkers, which are an effective aid in identifying damaged tissue, detect movement and proliferation by the body, further justifies the use of multimodal treatments. This is because with the doctor gives them a special ability to detect where the disease has spread and importance. Best biomarker will give physicians in the future the possibility of finding the best possible treatment.

Biomarkers are specific chemical and biological components that spread the mesothelioma tumor. Since they are different from constituents found in normal cells of the body, can be used to effectively identify where healthy tissue and the cancerous tissue is located. This allows more precise surgery, improved diagnosis and more hope in treatment of disease.

The use of a multimodal treatment in combination with biomarkers, better scientific technique currently exists to prevent malignant mesothelioma from spreading. This devastating disease that today is incurable, is related to asbestos and manifests in patients past 20 to 50 years who were exposed but fura to small amounts of asbestos Luckily awareness on the disease is doing to improve the techniques of treatment and that patients have a better prognosis. .

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