Products Containing Asbestos - Use of asbestos - Still a danger

Products containing asbestos
products containing asbestosAlthough the properties in terms of thermal resistance of asbestos were known since ancient times, it was not until the mid-twentieth century when asbestos became popular. In addition to its effectiveness as an insulator, this natural mineral is also flexible, durable and perhaps most remarkable is that it is not expensive. For these reasons was used to add strength and fire resistance to a wide variety of construction materials and consumer products. In fact, the EPA explains that there is a study that estimated that there are over 3,000 products containing asbestos concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 percent.

Use of asbestos
Resurgence in popularity during the Industrial Revolution asbestos use grew rapidly during the SXX. Widespread use in USA lasted until mid-SXX it was not until 1970 when his government began to recognize the dangers of asbestos and to regulate their use. Something that Spain took much longer. But then use that had asbestos in thousands of products meant that this mineral remain as a latent risk in products, despite seeing being produced at that time we still use. It has been seen as asbestos has been massively used in household items, building materials, protective clothing, paper products, motor vehicles and heating and cooling systems. As a result, millions of homes, offices, boats and factories had products made with asbestos for many years before the risks associated with it and it started its regulation were identified.

Still a danger
Although there are copious regulations the truth is that there are hundreds of products that were manufactured or installed before I started regular and banned the use of asbestos. And this is a danger for these items because of their age can make given its age asbestos fibers are released and are inhaled. Something that EPA does not happen with other minerals. Objects that contain asbestos normally found around electrical installations, pipelines, areas of extreme temperature and any other location that requires isolation. While many of these products are for industrial use and construction, there are others that can be found in workplaces and homes.

References: EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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