Types of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that originates in the mesothelium, a protective lining of the body's internal organs. The different types of mesothelioma is a way of classifying the disease depending on the area of the body where the cancer resides.
Find out what are the different types of mesothelioma, and that there are specific treatments. Complete the questionnaire below and we will send sintomasmesotelioma.com from an information packet on the diagnosis, treatment and clinical trials.
Pleural mesothelioma
The pleural mesothelioma typically develops in the chest cavity and lungs. It is the most malignant type of mesothelioma, as they usually expands numbers body organs and lymph nodes. The difficulty for diagnosis and treatment make detection is hard. The typical symptoms such as chest pain, weight loss and fever, are too common to be detected as precursors of cancer. More severe symptoms such as shortness of breath and pleural fluid does not appear until the disease has progressed. The hope of survival for those suffering from this disease is tragically low. Only 8% of patients get to live an average of 3 to 5 years of onset of symptoms, reaching the overall life expectancy about 12 months.
Pericardial Mesothelioma
The least common form of mesothelioma is pericardial and affects the heart. This rare form of cancer found in the sac surrounding the heart, also known as pericardium. Cancer prevents the heart transmit oxygen to the body in an efficient manner, and as a result the patient's body deteriorates due to the high heart rate. Heart attacks, chest pain, and limitation in breathing are the typical symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma.
Peritoneal mesothelioma
The peritoneal mesothelioma develops in the abdominal area and can quickly spread to the liver, intestine or spleen. The presence of pleural fluid and severe chest pain are symptoms of this type of mesothelioma and vomiting, bowel problems, fever and numb feet.
Malignant versus benign
The above rates are the most malignant mesotheliomas of this disease and really the most dangerous versions. Malignant mesothelioma is usually the result of the inhalation of asbestos that individuals who worked or lived in areas where there was no suitable health and safety standards. Since the disease has a long latency period, often the diagnosis is not carried out until the tumor has progressed to levels that can not be rectified.
As its name suggests, the benign mesothelioma is a form of non-malignant disease that is easily treatable. While benign tumors are not cancerous, unlike the case with malignant mesothelioma, not spread throughout the body, easily making their isolation and removal.
Mesothelioma in areas not common
In addition to the pleura, pericardium and peritoneum and benign form of cancer, cancer can also affect the ovaries and testes. These tumors originate in the lining of these organs. The total number of this type of mesothelioma does not exceed one hundred and symptoms are rarely identified. As a result, the prognosis for this type of mesothelioma is not promising. The effects of this disease are many that do more than recommend that anyone who has been exposed to asbestos or hold presents the first disease symptoms visit your doctor immediately.
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