What is an oncologist?
Physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer are called oncologists. Since there are more than 200 different types of cancer, doctors specializing in Oncology often improve their knowledge on the type of cancer that has the patient to then develop proper method depending on the type and stage of the enfermedad.oncologo

Within the field of Oncology, there are three primary disciplines - Clinical Oncology, surgical oncology, and radiotherapeutic Oncology - although these doctors specialize in different things, it is usual to work together optimizing its forces to help the patient with cancer.

A clinical oncologist specializes in treating cancer with chemotherapy. As its name suggests the surgical oncologist specializes in the surgical aspects of cancer, including biopsy, which is the removal of a small cancerous tissue that is examined under a microscope. These oncologists also removed cancer tissues around and sometimes lymph nodes around (small organs in oval shape that help fight disease) finally radiotherapeutic oncologist specializes in treating cancer with radiation, for using energetic x-rays that destroy cancer cells.

Working with an oncologist for mesothelioma
Normally the first approximation to the oncologist is through physician reference, as in the election that he has little to say the patient.

The first visit usually oncologist will make a series of generic questions about symptoms, will do a physical examination and ask for a full clinical history also can to send the patient to other tests such as biopsies, X-rays, scan or MRI is done. All of these tests are used to confirm whether the patient has mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, is detail where the tumor and its Stadium.

Once all the information is available, the oncologist will collect all the data and will look for which is the most appropriate form of treatment. A person diagnosed of mesothelioma will normally visit several doctors during their recovery process. The oncologist is there in part to ensure that all doctors work in the same goal and to give the patient the best possible treatment.

Once the treatment has started, so the oncologist is everything and evaluate how the treatment is working, it will run tests to see if the treatment is effective.

Of course the treatment and tests can be an exhausting and exhaustive process. Remember that every cancer is different and depending on the stadium and the location of the cancer treatment work better or worse. It is essential to enable the oncologist that constantly revalue the overall health of the patient to make sure that the treatment is doing what they are supposed to do.

The three most common treatment options to fight mesothelioma are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Any option you choose your doctor will depend on a variety of factors, it is common for patients to pass by a number of planned treatments. One may need surgery, then chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Depending on once more of the type of cancer, location of the tumor and the patient's weight, you will be a type of chemotherapy and the dose that the patient needs to receive.

Get involved, ask!
It is important for the patient and their family be comfortable and ask all the questions that they need and that will be answered by the oncologist. Once the Diagnostics and treatment of the disease can be a lengthy process, and occasionally terrifying, so if any patient feels that the information will help you, or that it will make the process easier oncologist should be there to help you in the best possible way.

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