8 Steps It Help Prevent Breast Cancer

There are several risk factors that can increase your chances of developing breast cancer . With increasing age , the risk of breast cancer can be increased terkenak . However , there are many things you can do to prevent it .

Mammography , for example , detection can be performed at the age of 20 , or any one or two years for women aged 40 years . In addition to mammography , this is what you can do to reduce the risk of breast cancer as reported by Fit Sugar ( 3/10 ) :

1 . Normal weight
Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of breast cancer . This is because fat cells produce estrogen can also lead to cancer . For that , you should also maintain the ideal weight .

2 . Check the family health history
How many people in your family who have breast cancer ? Have close relatives who had breast cancer , it means the risk of cancer increases. Several risk factors for breast cancer is genetic .

3 . Get to know your breasts
Perform routine examination at home . You must recognize your breast condition to always be vigilant , if there is a change in the breast .

4 . Limit alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption is also associated with breast cancer risk . We recommend that you avoid it , or at least reduce their consumption .

5 . sport
Sports not only can help you achieve your ideal weight healthy , but also to reduce the risk of breast cancer . The American Cancer Society recommends that you take the time to exercise , 45 to 60 minutes in one day .

6 . Learn contraceptive use
Taking oral contraceptives is one factor increasing the risk of breast cancer , but the risk will be decreased to a normal level , when you discontinue use . You'll want to consider the pros and cons of birth control and consult with your doctor first . When you consult a doctor , give complete data about your lifestyle . whether it was a sweet eating habits , or alcoholic beverages .

7 . Gali information
Information about the risks of breast cancer would be very beneficial for you . Expand to read about this cancer . In addition also know the things that seem trivial , such as the age of first menstruation is normal , having children after the age of 35 years , or never breastfed . Some small things is also associated with breast cancer

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