Have Researchers Discover Cause Stomach Cancer Spread

Myofibroblast themselves are the cells that produce a variety of substances that alter the behavior of cancer

Researchers from the University of Liverpool have discovered a specific protein deterring the growth and spread of cancer in patients with impaired gastric cancer .

Gastric cancer is one of the causes of death due to malignant disease is considered around the world . Knowledge of how the spread of cancer , making the researchers hope will be the development of therapies that reactivate the development of a protein called TGFßig - h3 .

As reported by Science Daily ( 17/10 ) , these proteins are actually produced called myofibroblast cells that are part of the supporting tissue around the cancer cells .

Myofibroblast themselves are the cells that produce a variety of substances that alter the behavior of cancer by affecting the surrounding environment . So the growth and spread of cancer can be inhibited .

But the researchers found that the production of a protein inhibitor of cancer cell growth resulting myofibroblast number decreased in patients with gastric cancer .

" These proteins normally inhibit the growth of cancer cells . So that treatment can be more accurate in targeting tumors in a patient's body . , But at an advanced stage , the cancer affects the production of proteins , so that the tumor can grow and spread more quickly , " explains Professor Andrea Varro of the University 's Institute of Translational Medicine.

Professor Varro also hope there will be a treatment technique that could restore the protein 's performance prior to gastric cancer patients experience more serious complications .

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