Cigarettes and Alcohol Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

Two of these habits is able to cause pancreatic cancer at a young age .

The pancreas is an organ in the digestive system accessories which has two main functions : to produce digestive enzymes or exocrine function as well as produce some hormone or endocrine function .

The pancreas is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen or abdomen and head / head attached to the duodenum organs . Products will be distributed enzymes from the pancreas into the duodenum via the main pancreatic duct .

Some functions of the pancreas is to regulate blood sugar levels through the expenditure glucogen , which increase the levels of sugar in the blood by accelerating the rate of release from the liver . Reduction in blood sugar levels by secreting insulin which accelerates the flow of glucose into the cells in the body , especially the muscles . Insulin also stimulates the liver to convert glucose into glycogen and store it in the cells

Latest news on the pancreas , the person who has the habit of smoking and consuming alcohol at risk of developing pancreatic cancer at a young age , says a study . Previous studies have known that smoking can lead to the emergence of pancreatic cancer . besides smoking , alcohol consumption is also a risk factor for pancreatic cancer .

However , recent research proves that the two are able to induce the habit of pancreatic cancer at a young age .

" If you have two this habit , you run the risk of pancreatic cancer even at a young age , " said Dr. Michelle A Anderson , researchers from the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor .

This study also showed that the risk of pancreatic cancer will be reduced , even disappear if someone stopped two of the habit for 10 years .

If a new pancreatic cancer is usually experienced by someone in their 70s , the findings suggest that a person can be exposed to pancreatic cancer over 10 years if the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol .

" This discovery became one more important reason for everyone to quit smoking and alcoholism , " said Anderson , as reported by Reuters ( 18 / 09 ) . The findings, published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology is based on a study of 811 patients with pancreatic cancer .

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